WhatsApp Tricks to become INVISIBLE
Instant communication with near and dear has come a long way indeed. The world is currently trending towards short messaging apps like WhatsApp which has become the most popular instant messaging service for smartphone users worldwide, thanks to its remarkable ease of use! whatsapp does not have any type of "read" status. the tick only represent that it has been received by server(1 tick), then received by contact(2 tick). 2 tick only implies that it is on their device, not that it's been seen/read also, the "Last Seen" can be inconsistent. Any action you take in the app will update the Last Seen time, but even when the app is dismissed, it may still update, since the app is requesting messages.

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The advent of WhatsApp, does not provide option to go invisible. Also, there is no logout option as long as long as you are connected to internet since all your online contacts will be able to  know once you have installed WhatsApp. Another feature which irritates some users is the tracking option provided, which lets the users know about your online presence and offline status which might be a concern for privacy.  Unlike The age old MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, Google Talk or any other chatting app allowed its users to become invisible from their social contacts with stealth settings. This feature was very valuable in those days who want to stay away from online pings for a short duration.

 WhatsApp Shadow Beta
WhatsApp shows you who has actually seen the message you left them and the fact you can tell when they were last online on the world’s most popular free instant messaging service. However, a lot of people dread the fact that people can tell the same about when they have to open the app to read a particular message left for them, and in turn register their ‘Last Seen’ time. This is manageable by turning off the WiFi or mobile data connection before you open WhatsApp, but is annoying if you have to practice this frequently. 

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Moving on, we come to the ‘typing’ status, – an ingenious implementation on all messaging services these days to keep you updated on the other person’s activity during a conversation – that can be really embarrassing when you’re speechless and your contact can see you’re taking ages for typing what ultimately turn out to be one or two lines. You can turn the internet off, again, or you can install WhatsApp Shadow Beta. Be offline while you read your WhatsApp conversations or send messages without your contacts knowing that you’re typing. We’re sure you’re going all “OMG what?! How? Show me!”, so read on for all the details.
The app works on a very simple principle; toggling your active WiFi or data connection on and off. More of an extension, WhatsApp Shadow integrates itself in WhatsApp and does so without any complications or major changes. Simply put, you can shuffle between online and offline mode with the tap of a button, all while staying in the app.

  • HIDE LAST SEEN or Disable the last seen

This feature shows the last online availability of a user .This means that anyone will know it when you opened the Whatsapp. This feature has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of this feature is, now no one will be able to know, when you were online and reduce the pressure to reply to a message immediately. The disadvantage is that you will also not be able to see the last seen of others. To disable it, open WhatsApp and go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy and set it to “Nobody“.

go invisible on whatsapp

This feature allows the users to update their status with a short message. But if people want to be completely untracked and want to hide their status. Go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy >> Status and set it to “Nobody”. Now nobody can be able to see your status as long as your wish.


To hide your profile photo from your friends. Go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy >> Profile photo and set it to “Nobody”. Now no one can see your profile photo.

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The Blue tick is very useful feature for people to know whether the sent message is read by the receiver or not. In WhatsApp, when the receiver receives a message, the sender is displayed with two gray ticks on that message. However, when the receiver reads it, it becomes blue, which indicates that the message has been read.
But for many people, this feature is not acceptable and wish to disable this feature. To do so, go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy and uncheck “Read receipts“. It also causes harm to you as you’ll also not be able to see when others read your messages.

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By doing this, you can read all your messages on your mobile without your friend seeing you online and your last seen will not be updated. It also prevents blue ticks from appearing. However, the dilemma is, when you disable airplane mode, you will be visible again.


It is not a logout option but if you don’t want to receive a message for a short time, then you can use this option.Go to your Phone’s Settings >> Apps >> WhatsApp and tap on “Force Stop” button. After this, you will stop the WhatsApp service for a while and don’t get any notifications and calls.


By blocking a specific contact, you can easily hide your status, profile picture, last seen details from that particular contact or by simply deleting the contact from your phone book. You will be invisible to the contact in question. He/she will not be able to see your last seen, your profile picture or when you’re online anymore, in addition to not being able to send messages to you.
To block a contact on your smartphone, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked > Add New. Now add the contacts whom you want to block. Later, when you want to unblock a contact, go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked Contacts. Then, tap and hold on the contact’s name and select “UnBlock”.

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Have you seen the blue ticks that appear in the chat box? They are receipts that indicate that the message has been read by the recipient. So, you may want to deactivate read receipts so as to not inform your contacts when you read their messages. To do so, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Privacy and uncheck read receipts. Remember that when you disable this function you will not be able to see when others read your messages either.

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