List of courses offered in FUTO | school of engineering technology

School of Engineering and Engineering Technology
In line with the philosophy of the University, the School of Engineering and Engineering Technology is to provide in-depth Academic/Practical Training in the student's professional area of interest with extensive practical exposure to the broad Engineering discipline/Practical Engineering Techniques in order to produce graduates that are basically sound in their professional fields, while also possessing easily identifiable and readily applicable expertise for self employment on graduation. The students are also exposed to courses in Social Science, humanities and managerial programmes during their stay to broaden and increase the horizon of their academic and practical training.

School of Engineering and Engineering Technology aims to provide in-depth academic/practical training in the students’ professional area of interest with extensive practical exposure to broad engineering discipline and practical engineering techniques so as to produce graduates that are basically sound in their professional fields, while possessing easily identifiable and readily applicable expertise.

The rich curriculum in School of Engineering Technology (SEET), which captures theories, concepts and techniques laced with detailed practical sessions, is aimed at satisfying the skilled, innovative and technology oriented manpower needs of the nation and beyond.

We are well positioned to produce the next generation of engineers and leaders who are able to provide far-reaching solutions to the society’s complex challenges through sound analytical skills and judgement.

Departments in School of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Agricultural engineering 
Chemical engineering 
Civil engineering 
Electrical and electronics engineering 
Food science technology
Materials and metallurgical engineering  
Mechanical engineering Mechatronics Engineering 
Petroleum engineering 

Polymer and textile engineering


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