List of Courses Offered in FUTO | school of Health Technology
School of Health Technology
FUTO'S School of health technology is a highly respected faculty, locally and internationally. Our students are tutored by highly trained experts working within a variety of clinical and non-clinical departments.
Stemming from our mission to tackle major diseases and challenges that have hit the African continent, the school which also boasts of an optometry department and a Prosthetics & Orthotics department has been in the fore front of tackling health challenges in Africa.
Our courses has been designed so that students first acquire an integrated understanding of science courses that allows them to shape their subsequent studies towards the topics that interest them the most. The departments here also have full research facilities paving way for modern innovations in health.
Departments in School of Health Technology
Biomedical technology
Dental technology
Prosthetics and orthotics
Public health technology
School of biological science - FUTO
School of physical science - FUTO
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